3 WAYS DTS In-Dummy DAS Makes Your Dummy Smarter
Embedding a SLICE6 data acquisition system (DAS) in-dummy improves ATD testing by:
1. Eliminating trailing cables that can tangle or alter test dynamics
2. Significantly reducing test set-up time
3. Improving the data quality and reliability
DTS offers a variety of SLICE6 ATD In-Dummy DAS Integration Kits for the complete family of anthropomorphic test devices (ATDs) and pedestrian safety testing.

1. Minimizes Cabling & Connectors
Embedding the DAS reduces in-dummy cabling by up to 75%, eliminating the mass and noise caused by long sensor cables. A single exit cable replaces the mass of bulky trailing umbilical cables that can affect dummy positioning and target weight. Embedded DAS also minimizes the potential points of failure created by all the cables and connectors inherent in offboard DAS.
2. Reduces Test Set-up Time
Embedding the DAS inside the ATD means less prep time which helps keep test schedules on time and on track. Fewer cables increases data reliability and helps maintain proper dummy mass and center of gravity (CoG). SLICE6 DAS features built-in triaxial tilt sensor for easier dummy positioning, plus temperature logging.

3. Improves Data Quality
Eliminating connectors and trailing cables that can alter test dynamics means fewer issues and less noise for improved data quality. DTS SLICE6 Integration Kits can be customized to support your specific test requirements including Euro NCAP, US NCAP & Global NCAP configurations. DTS DataPRO software features an intuitive user interface to create, control, and manage, every aspect of a test.
Improve Your Testing Today
DTS offers customized SLICE6 ATD Integration Kits for the full family of anthropomorphic test devices (ATDs) and pedestrian safety testing forms.
- THOR 5th/50th
- Hybrid III 5th/50th/95th
- WorldSID 5th/50th / SID-IIs / ES-2
- WIAMan
- Q6, Q10, H3-6, H3-10
- BioRID2
- aPLI/FLEX PLI Legforms
- Pedestrian Headforms
- Free Motion Headforms
SLICE6 In-Dummy DAS can be integrated by DTS experts or customer-installed. Contact sales@dtsweb.com today.