DTS Team “Dapper Dummies” Runs 190 Mile Relay Race
Team DTS Runners at Ragnar Race 2022
Team DTS Runners at Ragnar Race 2022

An intrepid group of DTS employees, officially dubbed team “Dapper Dummies,” ran the 190 Mile Ragnar Road So Cal Relay Race in style with their bright orange shirts, bow ties, and matching socks. They took to the road on Friday April 29 and ran round the clock from start to finish with teammates alternating running and sleeping in one of the two team vans.

“Remember, what happened in Van 2 stays in Van 2. And it’s confirmed that our driver in Van 2 was our Most Valuable team member. Thanks MJ!” Jim Shaw

Dapper Dummies placed 172 out of 324 teams and completed the course in just over 33 ½ hours – to be precise the official time was 33:32:27.000000 for 190.3 miles. That makes the average pace 10.28 min/mile including stop lights, missing signs, hills, hot weather, and singing happy birthday.

“A baker’s dozen of people singing happy birthday while a crowd cheers them running in is a special thing.” Dan McFadden

Congratulations to DTS Team Dapper Dummies:

Runners: Kristina Fett, Rollin White, Loc Pham, Jessica Alvarado, Jim Shaw, Kimberly Stull, Bryan Todd, Nathan Brown, Jerry Lawrence, Dan McFadden, Dana Tice and Ben Pruitt.

Chase Team/Drivers: Mike “MJ” Jackson & Steve Pruitt. Special thanks to Kirsten Larsen for setting up and breaking down camp, and Lauren Talley for bringing bagels, muffins and coffee.

So, what thoughts does the team have to offer after their experience? And the burning question… would they do it again?

“It’s true that peer-pressure is a powerful thing.” Jerry Lawrence

“I had a great time, lost my voice a little bit for Sunday from all the cheering and happy birthday singing between the exchanges. I remember at one point someone texted during their run that it had been snowing when they started their run and that a mountain lion had growled at them. The best thing for me was definitely the company and having fun during the downtime. Would definitely do it again.” Dan McFadden

“Best thing: the DTS people involved. Worst: lack of sleep. This will be the third time I’ve now said I’d never do it again… but I would do it again.” Jim Shaw

“From Van 2 I learned Brian and Jerry take water balloons very seriously. Jessica should not have pre-workout. Rollin cannot answer your questions right after a 7-mile run. Jim is an excellent salesman for muscle massage guns. Mike has an amazing tolerance for driving way too many hours. The entire team comes up with the most hilarious conversations when sleep deprived. But most importantly … I learned that our team does an amazing job of taking care of each other and supporting each other through a very challenging event. This was an amazing team to do this event with! I will never forget this group getting the entire crowd to sing happy birthday to me as we crossed the finish line. It was unforgettable!” Kristina Fett

Well done Dapper Dummies!

Ragnar Run So Cal is a stunning ocean view relay race that stretches from San Diego to Huntington Beach.


May 3, 2022

Team DTS Runners at Ragnar Race 2022 - Van
Team DTS Runners at Ragnar Race 2022 - Relay Shots
Team DTS Runners at Ragnar Race 2022 - Relay Shots

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